Reports Studies & Journal Articles Guidelines & Best Practices Books Videos, Webinars, & Podcasts NACDL Champion Articles Organizational Resources
- Eyewitness Identification Reform, Innocence Project.
- Reevaluating Lineups: Why Witnesses Make Mistakes and How to Reduce the Chance of Misidentification, Innocence Project.
- Eyewitness Identification: A Policy Review, The Justice Project.
- Irreversible Error: Recommended Reforms for Preventing and Correcting Errors in hte Administration of Capital Punishment, The Constitution Project, 2014.
- Partial List of Citations Supporting Eyewitness Identification Reform, Innocence Project.
- Report on the Problem of Eyewitness Accounts, Norman Maleng, 2004.
Studies & Journal Articles
- Eyewitness Identification, Gary L. Wells, Iowa State University, 2018.
- Why Eyewitnesses Fail, Thomas D. Albright, PNAS, 2017.
- Eyewitness Misidentification: A Comparative Analysis Between the United States and England, Christina Begakis, Santa Clara Journal of International Law, 2017.
- "Curing" Own Race Bias: What Cognitive Science and the Henderson Case Teach About Improving Jurors' Ability to Identify Race-Tainted Eyewitness Error, Andrew E. Taslitz, 2013.
- A Test of the Simultaneous vs. Sequential Lineup Methods, American Judicature Society, 2011.
- Distorted Retrospective Eyewitness Reports as Functions of Feedback and Delay, Gary L. Wells, Elizabeth A. Olson, and Steve D. Charman, Journal of Experimental Psychology, 2003.
Guidelines & Best Practices
- The Science Behind Eyewitness Identification Reform, Innocence Project.
- American Bar Association Statement of Best Practices for Promoting the Accuracy of Eyeitness Identification Procedures, August 2004.
- Resolution to Adopt the American Bar Association Statement of Best Practices for Promoting the Accuracy of Eyewitness Identification Procedures, American Bar Association, August 2004.
- The Folder System: A Recommended Practice for the 'Blind' Administration of Eyewitness Procedures for Small Police Departments with Limited Resources, Innocence Project.
- Frequently Asked Questions About Implementing a Double-Blind, Sequential Eyewitness Identification Reform, Innocence Project.
- Model Legislation, 2006 State Legislative Sessions, Innocence Project.
- Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification, National Resource Council of the National Academies, 2014. (PDF available online)
Videos, Webinars, & Podcasts
- Human factors of wrongful conviction: Eyewitness Identification, Innocence Project, November 2018.
- Eyewitness Identification - Getting it Right, Innocence Project, April 2011.
NACDL Champion Articles
- How Exposure to Social Media Affects Eyewitness Memory, January/February 2020.
- Confronting the Problems of Manson v. Brathwaite: Scientifically Sound Approaches to Suppression in Eyewitness Identification Cases, November 2019.
- Sources of Contamination in Lineup Identifications, May 2017.
- Illinois Enacts Eyewitness Identification Reforms, September 2014.
- Don't I Know You? The Effect of Prior Acquiantance/Familiarity On Witness Identification, April 2012.
- A Survey of Law Officers And Its Significance for Cross-Examining Witnesses about Eyewitness Accuracy, December 2011.
Organizational Resources