Fourth Amendment Advocacy Letters

NACDL frequently writes to members of Congress, the Department of Justice, and the president on fourth amendment issues. These letters have been collected and are available for download by clicking on the titles below.


December 20, 2017, Coalition Letter in Opposition to FISA Amendments Reauthorization Act of 2017 (Manager's Amendment) 

November 6, 2017, Coalition Letter in Opposition to FISA Amendments Reauthorization Act of 2017 

October 24, 2017,  Coalition Letter in Support of the USA RIGHTS Act, Robust Section 702 Reform Bill 

October 13, 2017, Coalition Letter in Opposition to Current Version of the USA Liberty Act, Section 702 Reform Bill 

October 2, 2017, Coalition Letter on Section 702's Backdoor Search Loophole 

August 24, 2017, Coalition Letter on Justice Department Request for Data Associated with Inauguration Day Protests 

July 10, 2017, Coalition Letter on Domestic Law Enforcement Use of Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act 

June 28, 2017, Justice Roundtable Letter for the Hearing on Criminal Justice and Efforts to Reduce Recidivism  

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October 25, 2016, Coalition Letter On Yahoo Surveillance Revelations 

April 12, 2016NACDL Letter on HR 699 as Amended 


March 25, 2015, Coalition Letter on USA PATRIOT Act Reforms 

February 17, 2015, Comments on Criminal Rule 41 - Warrants Authorizing Remote Access to Computers 


June 26, 2014, Coalition Letter Recommending Prohibiting Backdoor Searches Under 702 

June 26, 2014, Coalition Letter in Opposition of the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act of 2014 ("CISA") 

June 24, 2014, Coalition Letter re: FBI Next Generation Identification System (NGI) 

June 18, 2014, Coalition Letter on the USA FREEDOM Act 

June 18, 2014, Coalition Letter Urging Yes Vote on Massie-Lofgren Amendment to Rein in NSA 

June 17, 2014, Coalition Letter re: Ending Renewal of the Section 215 Bulk Telephony Metadata Program 

June 4, 2014, Coalition Letter to Senate Leaders Regarding the USA FREEDOM Act 

May 14, 2014, Coalition Letter re: USA FREEDOM Rules and Floor Amendments 

April 28, 2014, Coalition Letter to White House re Email Privacy and Reform of the Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA) 

April 11, 2014, NACDL Comments to Privacy and Civil Liberties Board re FISA Surveillance 

April 1, 2014, Coalition Letter re: Bulk Collection of Data About Individuals 


December 18, 2013, Coalition Letter to Members of Congress in Opposition of the FISA Improvements Act 

December 9, 2013, Coalition Letter to Senator Majority Leader Reid re Judge Wald's Reconfirmation to PCLOB 

October 1, 2013, NACDL Letter to Senate Proposing Recommendations for FISA Reform 

September 24, 2013, NACDL Comments on the Interim Study re Unmanned Aerial Vehicles To the Oklahoma House of Representatives 

July 30, 2013, 60 Group Coalition Letter to Senate Judiciary Committee on NSA Program 

July 18, 2013, Coalition Letter in Favor of Transparency for National Security Requests to Service Providers 

July 12, 2013, Coalition Letter to Senate Opposing SEC Proposal to give Regulatory Agencies Power to Demand Content from Third Parties 

July 8, 2013, Coalition Letter to the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board on NSA program 

July 8, 2013, Coalition Letter to DOJ on NSA Surveillance Reports 

June 25, 2013, Coalition Letter Urging Privacy Safeguards for Senate Cybersecurity Bill 

April 23, 2013, NACDL Comments Re: Federal Aviation Administration: "Unmanned Aircraft System Test Site Program," Docket No. FAA-213-0061 

April 22, 2013, Coalition Letter in Support of S. 607, Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA) Amendments Act of 2013 

April 15, 2013, Coalition Letter in Opposition to Marked-Up H.R. 624, CISPA 

March 19, 2013, Coalition Letter to White House Seeking Veto Threat of House CISPA Bill 

March 11, 2013, Coalition Letter in Opposition to H.R. 624, CISPA 


December 13, 2012, Coalition Letter to Demand Debate on the FISA Amendments Act 

November 30, 2012, Coalition Letter to Senate Urging NO Vote on FAA Extension 

November 21, 2012, Letter in Support of Leahy ECPA Amendment   

September 17, 2012Coalition Letter in Support of ECPA Reform 

September 11, 2012, Coalition Letter to House Urging NO Vote on FAA Extension 

July 31, 2012, Coalition Letter Re: Oppose Anti-Privacy Amendments 

June 11, 2012, Coalition Sign-On Letter Re Sunset of FISA Amendments Act of 2008 

May 14, 2012, Coalition Letter in Opposition to S. 2151, the SECURE IT Act of 2012 

May 10, 2012, Coalition Letter in Opposition of S. 2105, the Cybersecurity Act of 2012 

April 23, 2012, NACDL Advocacy Letter Endorsing 6 Principles for Cybersecurity Legislation 

April 16, 2012, Coalition Letter in Opposition to HR 3523, the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act of 2011 (CISPA) 

February 24, 2012, Coalition Letter to US Federal Aviation Administration on the FAA Modernization and Reform Act of 2012