- "Let grand jurors decline indictment when law is too harsh, ABA House resolves," by Debra Cassens Weiss, ABA Journal, February 11, 2013.
- "In D.C. Circuit, Ex-Grand Juror Fights Federal Prosecutor, Court Official," The Blog of LegalTimes, October 12, 2012.
- "Try fugitives, use indicting grand juries, expert urges," Philly.com, April 24, 2012.
- "Grand jury witness immune from civil suits, Court says," The National Law Journal, April 2, 2012.
- Debate: Is it Time for Grand Jury Reform? (featuring past NACDL President Gerald Lefcourt starting around 13:35), Justice Talking, NPR, May 5, 2008. [Play or Download MP3]
- "Grand juries: A vital tool or in need of reform?," Detroit Free Press, January 3, 2012.
- "A Fairer and More Democratic Federal Grand Jury System," Federal Sentencing Register, June 2008;
- "Grand Jury Investigations: A Guide for In-House Counsel," by Jay Brozost and Lawrence Goldman, ACCA Docket, July/August 2003
- "Help I've Been Subpoenaed!," by Gerald Lefcourt, ACCA Docket, Oct. 2002
- "Grand Juries: Indictment of a System," ABA Journal, Jan. 2001
- "Time to Reform the Grand Jury", The Champion, Jan./Feb. 1999
Grand Jury Reform Articles, Editorials & News
Articles, editorials and news related to grand jury reform.