Membership Categories

NACDL offers several opportunities for membership. NACDL membership categories are set by NACDL's board of directors, and currently include the categories listed on this page.

NACDL offers several opportunities for membership. NACDL membership categories are set by NACDL's board of directors, and currently include the following categories.

Categories of NACDL Membership

Life Member

The title of Life Member shall be conferred by the Board of Directors on a Regular Member, Public Defender Member, Law Professor Member, Military Member, New Lawyer Member, President’s Club Member or Sustaining Member who, in lieu of the payment of the established Regular Membership dues, makes a onetime dues payment to the Association in an amount established by the Board of Directors. A Life Member shall not thereafter be required to pay annual membership dues. A Life Member may vote in all general membership matters.

President’s Club Membership

The title of President’s Club Member shall be conferred by the Board of Directors on a Regular Member, Public Defender Member, Law Professor Member, Military Member, New Lawyer Member or Sustaining Member who, in lieu of the payment of the established Regular Membership dues, pays dues to the Association in an amount established by the Board of Directors. A President’s Club Member may vote in all general membership matters.

Sustaining Membership

The title of Sustaining Member shall be conferred by the Board of Directors on a Regular Member, Public Defender Member, Law Professor Member, Military Member, or New Lawyer Member who, in lieu of the payment of the established Regular Membership dues, pays dues to the Association in an amount established by the Board of Directors. A Sustaining member may vote in all general membership matters.

Regular Membership

Regular Membership in the Association shall be available to attorneys of professional competence, integrity and good moral character who are actively engaged in or retired from the defense of criminal cases, and who pay dues to the Association in an amount established by the Board of Directors. A regular member may vote in all general membership matters.

New Lawyer Membership

New Lawyer Membership in the Association shall be available to attorneys of professional competence, integrity and good moral character who are actively engaged in the defense of criminal cases and who have been admitted to the Bar for five (5) years or less, and who pay dues to the Association in an amount established by the Board of Directors. A New Lawyer member may vote in all general membership matters.

Law Professor Membership

Law Professor Membership in the Association shall be available to professors employed full time on the faculties of accredited law schools. Law Professor Members shall pay dues to the Association in an amount established by the Board of Directors. A Law Professor member may vote in all general membership matters.

Public Defender Membership

Public Defender membership shall be available to attorneys of professional competence, integrity and good moral character who are in the full-time employ of local, state or federal public defender offices or legal services agencies. A Public Defender Member shall pay dues in an amount established by the Board of Directors. A Public Defender Member may vote in all general membership matters.

Group Public Defender Membership

Public Defenders are eligible for discounted Group Membership. The Board of Directors authorizes the executive director to offer group memberships to public defender entities pursuant to such terms and conditions, including the minimum number in the group and the applicable rate, as may be deemed appropriate, subject to ratification by the Executive Committee. No such agreement may take effect until such approval has been obtained.

Military Membership

Military membership shall be available to all full-time, active duty military lawyers engaged primarily in criminal defense. A Military Member shall pay dues in an amount established by the Board of Directors. A military member may vote in all general membership matters.

Law Student Division Membership

Law Student Division Membership shall be available to persons of integrity and good moral character who are students in a law school. A Law Student Member shall pay dues in an amount established by the Board of Directors. A Law Student Member may not vote at any general membership meeting, nor in any general membership election. A Law Student Member is eligible to vote only in the election of a Law Student Member as an ex officio member of the Board of Directors.

Associate Membership

Associate Membership in the Association shall be available to persons of integrity and good moral character who are not actively engaged in the defense of criminal cases, but whose duties and responsibilities are a part of, or contribute to, the defense of criminal cases. There shall be included in this Membership the following: members of the judiciary, and non-lawyers who support the goals and objectives of the Association. An Associate Member shall pay dues in an amount established by the Board of Directors. An Associate Member may not vote in any general membership meeting, nor in any general membership election.

Honorary Membership

Any person who shall have made an outstanding contribution to the public welfare and aided in the achievement of the goals of this Association may be proposed for Honorary Membership by five Regular Members of the Association.

Process for Bestowing an Honorary Membership

The proposal for Honorary Membership shall be made in writing, subscribed by five Members and submitted to the President of the Association. An affirmation vote of a majority of the Board of Directors shall be required to elect any Honorary Member. In any given year, no more than two Honorary Members may be elected. A Public Defender, a Law Professor, a Military, a New Lawyer, a Regular, Sustaining, President’s Club or Life Member of the Association who is elected or appointed to the Judiciary or the Congress of the United States may thereafter become an Honorary Member for the period of such office. An Honorary Member may not vote in any general membership meeting, nor in any general membership election. Honorary Members are exempt from the payment of dues, but this in no way exempts the Honorary Member from the payment of expenses incurred in connection with any meeting or seminar of the Association.

Charter Membership

The Charter Members of the Association shall consist of those persons who, prior to August 16, 1958, signified their intention to join the Association and whose Membership applications were subsequently approved by the Board of Directors. In order for a Charter Member to be eligible to vote in any matter affecting the general membership, or in any general membership election, he or she must also be either a Regular, Public Defender, Sustaining, President’s Club or Life Member. Otherwise, a Charter Member may not vote in any general membership meeting, nor in any general membership election.

Emeritus Membership

Emeritus Membership is available to a voting Member of at least fifteen years who has retired from the active practice of law. An Emeritus Member shall pay dues in an amount established by the Board of Directors, which shall be less than that required of any voting category of membership. An Emeritus Member may not vote in any general membership meeting, nor in any general membership election. A voting Member seeking Emeritus Membership shall submit a written request for reclassification in conformity with the admission procedures of Article IV.

International Membership

International membership shall be available to attorneys of professional competence, integrity, and good moral character who are actively engaged in the defense of criminal cases who hold passports issued by, or who are citizens of, nations other than the United States of America, or any of the fifty states, and who pay dues in an amount established by the Board of Directors. An International Member may vote in all general membership matters.

Board Resolutions Establishing and Updating Membership Categories

Membership categories are determined by NACDL's board of directors, pursuant to Article IV, Section 1 of NACDL's bylaws. Categories are updated, added, or edited via resolutions of NACDL's board of directors. The following resolutions have been adopted that establish or edit membership categories.

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