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NACDL's Domestic Drone Information Center

  • Autonomy Research for Civil Aviation: Toward a New Era of Flight - The National Academies Press This report develops a set of integrated and comprehensive technical goals and objectives of importance to the civil aeronautics community and the nation. Autonomy Research for Civil Aviation will be of interest to U.S. research organizations, industry, and academia who have a role in meeting these goals.

  • Emerging Applications for Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Across Global Government and Commercial Sectors - Research and Markets The significant potential and benefits of UAS have led to increasing implementation since the mid-1980s. Through the years, these platforms have proven successful on numerous missions, leading to growing popularity. UAS now has a significant role for numerous military units worldwide. A decrease in military expenditure has, however, nudged UAS manufacturers to look towards commercial markets. The shift from military implementation has and will be gradual. Government and law enforcement have begun the shift, pressuring regulatory bodies to finalise interim legislation. This will facilitate the commercialisation of the UAS and application thereof to fields such as precision agriculture and journalism.

  • New America - World of Drones This In-Depth report from the International Security Program examines the proliferation, development, and use of armed drones. The World of Drones database draws upon media reports and other open source information to track which countries and non-state actors have armed drones or are in the process of developing them; which actors have used armed drones in combat; and which non-state actors are artificially equipping over-the-counter drones with improvised explosives like ISIS, or have obtained military-grade UAVs like Hezbollah.

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