Racial Disparity State Reforms

State reforms that facilitate or require the preparation of racial impact statements for criminal justice-related bills. 


LD 2 requires the Legislative Council to complete, by November 21, 2021, a study to determine the best method to establish and implement a system of using racial impact statements for legislation. The bill requires the Legislative Council to implement, no later than December 1, 2021, a pilot project based on its findings for the limited use of racial impact statements. 

The General Assembly partnered with Bowie State and the University of Baltimore Schaefer Center to compile data related to the racial impact of major criminal justice reform bills as part of a pilot program

HB 1990 allows the Chair of the House Committee for Courts of Justice and the Chair of the Senate Committee on the Judiciary to request up to three racial and ethnic impact statements each during a single regular session of the General Assembly. 


HB 19-1184 allows the speaker of the house of representatives, the minority leader of the house of representatives, the president of the senate, and the minority leader of the senate to request 5 demographic notes each, or more at the discretion of the director of research of the legislative council. 

The State Senate has partnered with Florida State University's College of Criminology & Criminal Justice to analyze how criminal justice legislation could impact the racial and ethnic disparities in Florida's criminal justice system.


SB 256 permits any member of the General Assembly to request the preparation of a racial and ethnic impact statement with respect to certain bills and amendments.


New Jersey
S. 677 requires racial and ethnic impact statements for certain bills and regulations affecting sentencing.


SB 463 requires Oregon Criminal Justice Commission to create, upon written request of one member of Legislative Assembly from each major political party, racial and ethnic impact statement for proposed legislation or state measure.

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HF 2393 allows policymakers to assess the racial impact of proposed changes to sentencing and parole policies. Iowa passed the nation's first racial impact statement bill.

Since 2008, the Minnesota Sentencing Guidelines Commission (MSGC) voluntarily elected to prepare racial impact statements on proposed crime bills pending before the legilature.