About the State Criminal Justice Network

More information about the State Criminal Justice Network (SCJN).

What benefits does the State Criminal Justice Network provide? 

  • Networking with other advocates across the country.
  • Access to the State Criminal Justice Network State Criminal Justice listserve
  • Advice and support on a variety of state-level criminal justice issues.
  • Advocacy training at the annual State Criminal Justice Network Conference, generally occurring in conjunction with NACDL's Annual Meeting.
  • Invitation and access to other training events including, teleconferences and webinars on key criminal justice issues throughout the year.

We encourage participants to fully engage in the listserve in order to receive the full benefits of its membership. Want to know what other state laws have been enacted? Post questions, share events and job opportunities, and gain valuable insight from fellow state criminal justice advocates.

A newsletter is disseminated monthly to provide a snapshot of NACDL’s state criminal justice priorities.

How do I send information or a question out to all Network Members? 

To send information to the all network members, you must join the listerve. If you would like to be added to the listserve, email advocacynetwork@nacdl.org. The listserve is managed through NACDLConnect, which allows you to send and read attachments and provide comments. You will need to be logged into the NACDL website in order to use NACDLConnect. NACDL members can login using their email and password. Nonmembers can create a visitor account.

Who is the NACDL staff contact for the State Criminal Justice Network? 

Monica L. Reid, Director of Advocacy
(202) 465-7660