SCJN Conference Materials - 2021

Conference information and resources relevant to the panels presented at the 20th Annual State Criminal Justice Network Conference, which was held as a live virtual online event on August 18-20, 2021. 

Day 1  Day 2  Day 3 
Speaker Biographies  State Criminal Justice Network 
Conference Agenda

SCJN Materials

Day 1: Wednesday, August 18th 

Disrupting Minority Report: How to Push Back on the Use of Predictive Analytics in Policing
1:05-2:05pm ET

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A Year in Police Reform: Past Successes & Looking Ahead
2:30-3:30pm ET

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Criminalization of Sex and Status: HIV, Gender Identity, and Race
4:00-5:00pm ET

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Day 2: Thursday, August 19th

The Trial Penalty: The Scourge of the American Criminal Legal System
1:10-2:10pm ET

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*Selected articles from the Federal Sentencing Reporter will be available for free until September 17, 2021

The Trial Penalty: Voices of Reform
2:30-3:30pm ET

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The Case for Second Look Sentencing
4:00-5:00pm ET

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Day 3: Friday, August 20th

The Overcriminalization of Abortion
1:00-1:25pm ET

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Social Media Skills for the Savvy Advocate
1:30-2:15pm ET

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Race and Public Defense
2:30-3:30pm ET

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The Fight for Equitable Cannabis Reform
4:00-5:00pm ET

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