SCJN Conference Materials - 2018

Conference information and relevant materials to the panels presented at the 17th Annual State Criminal Justice Network Conference and 2nd Annual Presidential Summit titled Shattering the Shackles of Collateral Consequences: Exploring Moral Principles and Economic Innovations to Restore Rights and Opportunity, held August 23-25, 2018, in Atlanta, GA.

Onsite Information

General Related Materials

Keynote Speaker: Sally Yates

Panel: Setting the Stage

Panel: I am My Brother’s Keeper

Panel: The Road to Re-Entry

Champion of Justice Restoration of Rights Award Recipient
Gov. Nathan Deal (Georgia)

Panel: Forgiving

Panel: Criminal Justice Leaders/Authors

Panel: Forgetting

Panel: And Justice for All

Champion of State Criminal Justice Reform Award Recipient
Second Chance Center (Aurora, CO) Executive Director Hassan Latif

Panel: This Side of the Law

Panel: Entrepreneurship and Training

Panel: Film Discussion