Website Ads is an essential destination for criminal defense lawyers. To best represent their clients, members access the site for reliable news and developments in criminal justice policy. With Web site banner ads, NACDL provides the means for our advertisers to place ads in a variety of locations.

Visitors go to the NACDL website to learn about continuing legal education opportunities, read the online version of The Champion®, connect with their peers through various members-only list serves, and more!

Ad Placement
You will need to work with the Sales and Marketing Manager to find a suitable location within the NACDL web site for your banner ad. We have spots on the home page and other locations throughout the site.

Website Statistics
NACDL’s website receives on average over 43,000 page views per month from over 19,000 unique visitors. The average visitor looks at 2.27 pages per visit.

For more information about web ads opportunities at NACDL seminars and events contact Jason Hawthorne Petty at (202) 465-7637 or email