White Collar Letters & Testimony

NACDL frequently testifies or provides comments on new and evolving criminal legislation and policies affecting white collar-related criminal law. This includes live testimony before the House and Senate Judiciary Committees and the U.S. Sentencing Commission, as well as written testimony, letters, and commentary submitted to Congress, the U.S. Sentencing Commission, the Securities and Exchange Commission, and other executive branch agencies.

NACDL Board Member Barry Pollack testified on April 1, 2009, before the House Judiciary Committee on the problems within a variety of pending fraud proposals.Pictured: NACDL Board Member Barry Pollack testified on April 1, 2009, before the House Judiciary Committee on the problems within a variety of pending fraud proposals.

These submissions are provided below in reverse chronological order. You can also review the full set of NACDL Letters and Testimony submitted to Congress.

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