Champion of Public Defense Award

The Champion of Public Defense Award recognizes an individual or group for exceptional efforts in making positive changes to a local, county, state, or federal public defense system. Although the outstanding direct, individual representation of every defendant is one of NACDL's foremost goals, this award is intended to highlight efforts toward systemic advances through legislation, litigation, or other strategies.

The Champion of Public Defense award recognizes lawyers and non-lawyers for their efforts to improve state, local, and federal public defense systems through litigation, legislation, or other strategies.  


Past Recipients

2021 International Legal Foundation New York, NY
2020 Juvenile Justice Program, Legal Aid Society of Puerto Rico San Juan
2019 Civil Rights Corps Washington, DC
2019 San Francisco Public Defender’s Office San Francisco, CA
2016 Alexander Bunin Houston, TX
2013 Bruce Jacob Gulfport, FL
2011 Justice Michael Cherry Carson City, NV
2011 Bennett H. Brummer Miami, FL
2009 Robert L. Spangenberg Boston, MA
2008 Marshal J. Hartman Chicago, IL
2007 Erwin W. Lewis Frankfort, KY
2006 Robert Boruchowitz Seattle, WA
2005 Prof. Norman Lefstein Indianapolis, IN
2004 Patricia Puritz Washington, DC
2003 Gary Parker Columbus, GA
2002 Norman L. Reimer New York, NY
2001 Mary Ann Tally Fayetteville, NC