State Bill Map

NACDL monitors legislation related to over 20 criminal justice issues in all 50 states and Washington, D.C. The information in this map is updated daily, providing a snapshot of bills impacting NACDL's criminal justice reform priorities.

NACDL State Advocacy  Action Center
State Criminal Justice Network

  • To filter by state: Click on a state on the map. Issues addressed in that state will display to the right of the map and a list of bills, with links to bill summaries, will appear below the map.
  • To filter by issue: To the right of the map, click an issue area you’re interested in. The map will reset to show only those states that have bills or related to your choice. Use the bill list under the map to view bill details. 
  • *Do not use your browser’s back button to return to the map – use the “Return to Map” button at the top of the bill page. To reset the map and/or issue area and sub-issue filter, use the “reset” button (|←) at the bottom of the page or the “Clear all filters” button at the top.


Tips and Tricks
  • With your cursor on the map, click the magnifying glass and type a state name to go directly to that state.
  • Zoom in or out of the map using the scroll wheel on your mouse.
  • Hold down the Ctrl button while clicking on states to choose multiple states.
  • Hold down the Ctrl button to choose multiple issue areas.

If you have questions or comments, please email