Advocacy Call on California Death Penalty Initiatives

Advocacy Call on California Death Penalty Initiatives

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November 2016, California voters considered two competing death penalty initiatives. Unfortunately, California’s Proposition 62 which would have repealed the death penalty and replace it with life without possibility of parole, failed 54% to 46%.

On Wednesday, September 14, 2016 NACDL’s State Criminal Justice Network held an advocacy call on Proposition 62, which would have abolished the death penalty, and Proposition 66, which will maintain the death penalty, but has the potential to cost the state even more and overburden local court resources. A recent report, “California Votes 2016: An Analysis of the Competing Death Penalty Ballot Initiatives,” outlines the current state of the death penalty system and analyzes how each initiative will work in practice.

Find out more:

Yes on Prop 62 
No On Prop 66 

Learn more about NACDL's State Criminal Justice Network. Angelyn C. Frazer-Giles, Host. Doug Shaner, production supervisor.  Music I Will! Rise Above (Jared C. Balogh) / CC BY-NC-SA 3.0.