Advocacy Call on the Treatment Industrial Complex

Advocacy Call on the Treatment Industrial Complex 

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On Thursday June, 18 2015 from 2:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m. EDT, NACDL hosted a call featuring a discussion on the report Treatment Industrial Complex: How For-Profit Prison Corporations are Undermining Efforts to Treat and Rehabilitate Prisoners for Corporate Gain. The report examines the move of profit prison corporations in reentry, treatment, and alternatives to incarceration.

Speakers: Elizabeth Kelley, Defense Attorney and Chair, NACDL Mental Health and Membership Committees; Caroline Isaacs, Program Director at American Friends Service Committee, Arizona; Eshe Cole, Mental Health and Criminal Justice Program Coordinator at Grassroots Leadership; and Kathryn Hamoudah, Public Policy and Communications Manager at the Southern Center for Human Rights. 

Learn more about NACDL's State Criminal Justice NetworkAngelyn C. Frazer, Host.  Doug Shaner, production supervisor.  Music I Will! Rise Above (Jared C. Balogh) / CC BY-NC-SA 3.0.