Ep.25 - NACDL's Restoration of Rights Database

NACDL launched a new, publicly available database – NACDL's Restoration of Rights Project.

Ep.25 - NACDL's Restoration of Rights Database +

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Ep.25 - NACDL's Restoration of Rights Database -- Today, NACDL launched a new, publicly available database – NACDL's Restoration of Rights Project. This new section of NACDL's online Resource Center houses NACDL member and former U.S. Pardon Attorney (1990-97) Margaret Colgate Love's comprehensive work on this topic in a user-friendly format. It promises to be an indispensable guide for defense lawyers as well as members of the public affected by the collateral consequences of a conviction and those re-entering society or the workforce after a conviction. In this episode, we speak with Margy Love as well as NACDL Resource Counsel Vanessa Antoun, and others, about this important new tool. Learn more about NACDLSteven Logan, production supervisor. Music West Bank (Lezet) / CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 and Walkabout (Digital Primitives) / CC BY-NC-ND 3.0.