Communicating with a Juvenile Client: JTIP Lesson on Interviewing and Counseling Youth [webinar]

Speakers: Kristin Henning, Georgetown Law; Dr. Jennifer Woolard, Georgetown University


Speakers: Kristin Henning, Georgetown Law; Dr. Jennifer Woolard, Georgetown University

Critical to representing juvenile clients is developing an understanding that although juveniles are in the adult system, they are not simply miniature adults and there are many unique challenges to their representation. The session will help defenders become familiar with developmental features of adolescence that may impact communication with the youth client. Additionally, defenders will learn strategies to accommodate enhance or overcome developmental barriers to successful communication and interviewing. This webinar, presented with the assistance of the National Juvenile Defender Center, utilizes their JTIP* lesson to discuss how to effectively interview and counsel a juvenile client in order to pursue the client's expressed interests, enhance the client's understanding of their case and consequences of being in the adult system,  and develop a strong attorney-client relationship.

*The Juvenile Training Immersion Program (JTIP) is a comprehensive juvenile defense training curriculum with comprehensive trial advocacy strategies and substantive juvenile law, designed to provide juvenile defenders with the skills necessary to create excellence in representing youth. Developed to meet the training needs of both national and local audiences, JTIP is a dynamic, flexible program with 40 lessons which trainers are encouraged to adapt to include key state and local statutes, court rules, and case law.  To encourage interactive and dynamic learning, JTIP includes customizable lectures, exercises, hypothetical case scenarios, discussion questions, and other training tools.