July 2008

July 2008 Cover

Turn to The Champion for the exchange of ideas and practice tips from the best defenders in the nation.


Articles in this Issue

  1. ABA Death Penalty Representation Project and ABA Rule of Law Initiative China Program 2003-2008

    ABA Death Penalty Representation Project and ABA Rule of Law Initiative China Program 2003-2008

    Robin M. Maher

  2. Affiliate News

    Affiliate News

    Gerald Lippert

  3. Death Penalty Roundtable: Power Over Life and Death

    Death Penalty Roundtable: Power Over Life and Death

    NACDL Staff

  4. Federal Sentencing Under Advisory Guidelines: A Primer for the Occaisonal Federal Practitioner

    Federal Sentencing Under Advisory Guidelines: A Primer for the Occaisonal Federal Practitioner

    Allan Ellis, James H. Feldman Jr.

  5. Informal Opinion: Tortured Justice

    Informal Opinion

    Douglas G. Morris

  6. Killing Fewer, and Killing Carefully: Death Penalty Defense in China on the Eve of the Beijing Olymp

    Killing Fewer, and Killing Carefully: Death Penalty Defense in China on the Eve of the Beijing Olympics

    Russell Stetler

  7. Lost in the Shuffle: The Other Indigent Defendants in Georgia

    Lost in the Shuffle: The Other Indigent Defendants in Georgia

    Cara H. Drinan

  8. NACDL News

    NACDL News

    Jack King

  9. Origins of the Organized Criminal Defense Bar: The National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers

    Origins of the Organized Criminal Defense Bar: The National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers Part Two

    G. Jack King

  10. President's Column: Protecting the Rights of the Accused

    Protecting the Rights of the Accused

    Carmen Hernandez

  11. Reviews in Review

    Reviews in Review

    Ellen S. Podgor

  12. State Legislative Affairs Update

    State Legislative Affairs Update

    Scott Ehlers and Liza Kaplansky

  13. Verbatim: The Pillars of Our Justice System


    Hon. Todd J. Campbell

  14. Your Money or Your Life? Kennedy Versus Exxon

    Your Money or Your Life? Kennedy Versus Exxon

    G. Jack King